Continuing education

Continuing education at MBway

MBway supports companies and employees in their continuing education and training plans: training staff, improving skills, developing motivation, stimulating innovation and creativity. Like in university education, the modules are taught by company professionals and consultants.

One-year "professionalisation periods" during continuing education

Based on the idea of alternating between work and training, the professionalisation period combines periods of work-oriented teaching and professional activities for the employee with a permanent contract, with work linked to the qualifications that are aimed at. MBway provides 9 programmes (equal to 5 years of higher education) as block release programmes and internships as part of continuing education with inter-company seminars or individual seminars, up to the MBA level.

Accreditation Of Prior Experiential Learning

For HR managers: foster internal mobility, unearth and recognise in-house skills, encourage employee loyalty, help them progress in their careers, optimise their training project, etc. The MBway Sales Development Manager and Human Resources Manager qualifications, state-certified at level 1 (equal to 5 years of higher education), and the International Sales Manager qualification, state-certified at level 2 (equal to 4 years of higher education) are all accessible via the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning programme (VAE in French).

For employees: show the value of your career by gaining awareness of individual skills, certifying skills by matching knowledge and practices with academic references to acquire a diploma or qualification without having to take a lengthy academic course...

Congé Individuel de Formation (CIF: Training Leave): a different approach to continuing education

The MBway Sales Development Manager and Human Resources Manager qualifications, state-certified at level 1 (equal to 5 years of higher education), and the International Sales Manager qualification, state-certified at level 2 (equal to 4 years of higher education) are all accessible via the CIF training-leave programme.

In a shifting business world, by preparing for changes, anticipating developments in your organisations and optimising performance, you and your employees can maintain your skills at a high level. The MBway team is made up of confirmed teaching experts, professionals from diverse sectors of the business world. The schools provide expertise in Management, Marketing, Sales Development, Human Resources, Banking and Insurance.

MBway can give you support in setting up your training plan up to MBA level, in your search for adapted training programmes and in your projects for individual development.