
MBA Management of Social Relations and HR Strategy

Qualification title  Management of Social Relations and HR Strategy

  • Academic validation: MBA / 300 ECTS credits
  • Level I state-certified qualification, IPAC "Human Resources Management, specialisation in Social Relations", registered at RNCP, decree of 25 February 2016, published in the Journal Officiel on 17 March 2016.
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Admission after a Bachelor Business Manager or 3 years of higher education (180 ECTS credits)
  • Full-time or block-release courses


Managers of social relations and HR strategy are in charge of applying the Human Resources policy outlined by the management. They need to understand the legal and social risks in order to provide adequate recommendations.

To do their job successfully, they have to manage social relations with staff representatives and know how to conduct individual and collective negotiations.

The Management of Social Relations and HR Strategy MBA at the MBway school

In the spirit of European organisation of studies, the Management of Social Relations and Human Resources Strategy MBA, as a full-time or block-release programme on offer at the MBway school provides:

  • High-level professional skills to promising students or adult learners
  • Occupational integration or progression within French and international companies
  • The skills needed by executives, managers and team leaders
  • Specialisations in managing social relations and HR strategy

The pluses of the Management of Social Relations and HR Strategy MBA

  • Social relations and HR at the service of HR strategy
  • 210 hours of strategy training, HR skills, social relations and employment law